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Next.js 13 & Directus CMS Starter 🚀

I'm building a next js starter web app with directus as a headless cms and tailwind css for styling. This will will include examples for common uses like authentication, data fetching, websockets, file uploads, and more. Follow along on Twitter for updates.


This project is an experiment to see how a modern app, with features like auth, subscriptions, API routes, and static pages would work in Next.js 13 app dir.

Next.js 13

App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.

React 18

Server and Client Components. Use hook.

Directus CMS

Directus is an open-source headless CMS, with a fully-featured Studio for data management and a customizable API for content delivery.


UI components built using Chadcn UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.

State Management

Redux Toolkit and React Query for state management.

Subscriptions & Payments (coming soon)

Subscriptions and payments, coming soon.

In the future i might breakdown the repository into multiple starters / templates each for a specific usecase

Proudly Open Source

The main objective is to help developers who use Directus and Next Js to build their apps faster.GitHub.